Hip impingement or femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) can be a frustrating condition presenting as pain in the groin or hip flexor area, hindering activities like squats, deadlifts, running, incline walking, and sitting. In this article we’ll discuss how the opposite hip can be the secret cause of hip impingement and give you three exercises to relieve your symptoms.
This blog post and video will teach you how to correct a one-sided or uneven rib flare using a pillow, foam roller, pilates ball, medicine ball, or yoga block!
Self-massage, posture correction, and strengthening exercises, all honed to correct and fix your scapular winging.
Okay, let’s jump in. This post will cover movement and how it relates to improving posture and even pain. I’ll also tell you the ONE thing I have found to be EXTREMELY beneficial for improving my posture as well as my therapy patients & training clients postures.
Rounded shoulders, forward head, and kyphosis A.K.A. “upper cross syndrome” can be unsightly and make you a bit self-conscious. This post will dive into why these postures happen, what’s required to fix them, and some exercise recommendations to try out.
Anterior pelvic tilt is a pretty big buzz word used by health professionals. In this post we'll discuss what an APT is, if it’s really all that bad, and I’ll give you some exercises to try out.
Uneven shoulders can be unsightly and may cause you to be self conscious. In this post you will learn why your shoulders maybe uneven, if scoliosis is the true problem, and what exercises I use to correct uneven shoulders.
Kyle Waugh PTA, CSCS, CPT and Zac Cupples PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS discuss movement variability, pain, manual techniques, hinging vs. squatting, myofunctional therapy, the worst advice he’s ever received, and much more in episode 4 of Portal PT Talks.
Kyle Waugh PTA, CSCS, CPT and Katie St. Clair CSCS, CPT discuss the legitimacy of online training, what characteristics your online program or trainer should posses, body image on Instagram, stretching, what the future holds for the fitness industry, and much more in episode 3 of Portal PT Talks.
Kyle Waugh PTA, CSCS, CPT and Jake Dunn PTA, CPT discuss the semantics of the term “posture,” what it takes to unconsciously control it, pectoralis major tears while benching, and much more in episode 2 of Portal PT Talks.
Kyle Waugh PTA, CSCS, CPT and Levi Kirpatrick CSCS, CPT discuss the qualities you should look for in a personal trainer when seeking a fitness professional and the future of the fitness industry.
Does your posture look hunched like a shrimp when you’re on your phone, computer, or just going about your day? Have you tried all the traditional exercises like band pull-apart and scapular retractions without any real results? You’re not alone. For years, I was told to pull my shoulders back, tuck my chin, and sit up straight to combat my forward head and rounded shoulders. But guess what? It didn’t work.